
You In Your Faded Blue Jeans

Sapphire blue, your eyes, gazing into mine

In a crowded high school hallway.

I thought I could swim in them,

Feared I could drown in them.

They held me there, in their depths, 

In the moment, solid yet buoyant;

Every day, in every way,

They told me all I needed to know.

When no words were ever enough,

There were those eyes – just a look,

A silent stare and, once, a shy smile

That I can still see.

Riding your bike down Macy Street,

You didn’t see me sitting on the lawn,

Watching…waiting… anticipating

Seconds later the moment was gone.

We never had our time, you and I,

Just long, lingering looks that were enough

To make you memorable.

All these years later, I still see you in your faded blue jeans.

You wore a knit cap and flannel in the winter.

A rosy tint touched your cheeks.

Days passed and became weeks, months,

And then you were gone.

I remember a September morning

In a crowded high school hallway

And the very first time I looked

I to those sapphire eyes.

Finally got these two little gems published at the end of 2021. Already getting a good response, so that’s a good start to the new year. Check them out on Amazon.

Then this happened…

I am so surprised and thrilled that The Earl’s Masquerade won first place for Historical Romance in the Global e-book Awards. I feel blessed. Also, now I get to put this lovely sticker on my book cover. 🙂

Final Cover 7 - Gold and dark purple - full (good one-not sure)

New Release

I am so pleased and proud to announce that my nephew, Zachary Scott Heinrichs, has just published his first children’s book, Little Baby Monster. It is a delightful story for both young and old. He wrote the story and also did all of the illustrations. You can check it out here:

Writing Goals for 2019

Wow! The beginning of a new year. I am very pleased that I was able to finish/publish The Earl’s Masquerade in 2018. I’ve been working  Love’s Embrace, the follow-up to Brother’s Keeper, and my main writing goal for 2019 is to finish/publish it.

I am looking forward to attending my very first writer’s conference, California Dreamin’ in Southern California in April, 2019. I have attended this conference before as a reader, but this will be my first ever conference attending ads an author. I am both nervous and excited about it.

I am also planning a stronger focus on marketing/promoting my books. As any indie author can tell you, this is very time-consuming. As I look to semi-retirement in March of this year, I am hoping I can free up more time for promotion and be more consistent.

As for my personal goals, well, that semi-retirement is number one. If I can accomplish that one, it will help me accomplish some other goals, such as reading another 175 books in 2019, and writing reviews for each and every one ( I finished 4 books short of my 2018 goal and still have about 30 reviews to write).

I am also planning to keep a positive outlook and be more grateful/thankful for all the little things as well as the big things.

I am hoping all of you have a wonderfully blessed year, filled with much joy and happiness.

InD’Tale Book Review

I am thrilled with this lovely 4-star review of my latest book, The Earl’s Masquerade by Sarah E. Bradley in the Dec/Jan issue of InD’tale magazine.


YPage_66 (2)

New Release!

My newest book, The Earl’s Masquerade, is available now on Amazon. This is my first Regency romance novel, and I am pretty excited to share t with you. I hope you will love it as much as I do.

Lacing Words, Part 2

Hello everyone! I am pleased to announce that the 2nd Lacing Words compilation is out now. It is called Lacing Words: Stitching Shadows, and it is filled with wonderful writings from around the world. I am so thrilled and proud to be a part of this joint effort. A special thanks to the amazing poet, Kay Gardner, for bringing us all together.

A compilation I am proud to be a part of

Hey, everyone! I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving. I, unfortunately, was sick the entire four days I was off work, so spent most of the long weekend in bed reading. I did get a wee bit of writing done on Love’s Embrace, book 2 in my (as yet, untitled) inspirational romance series.

When I wrote the first book, Brother’s Keeper, I was intending to write a series, but God had other plans. I have also had several requests from people who read Brother’s Keeper, hoping to read Paul and Jenna’s story. It is still in the very early stages of development.

Here is something fun I recently participated in. My favorite modern poet, Kay Gardner, brought together poets and writers from all over the world as contributors in this compilation. I am really proud to be a part of it. My contribution includes several of my previously published poems and a few new/unpublished ones. I hope you’ll check it out.


My 2017 Writing Goals

My writing goals for 2017 (hopefully in this order): Edit/publish my first Regency romance that I just finished writing, Finish/publish book of inspirational poetry; co-write youth novel with my grandson, write book of poetry about the Appalachians; and finish the second book in my Brothers and Sisters of Faith series which will be Paul’s story.